Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More artwork from my favorite Halloween artist.

I love Matthew Kirscht's work. I've stated this time and time again. I've posted some of his Halloween artwork before and will continue to do so whenever I stumble upon something new of his. He has a Halloween Art Book out that I think I need to purchase and have in my witchy claws! You can too... ^_^


Trix said...

Hey Sugar Booger!

I totally love his work, too! :)
Have you taken a spin over to his Flickr Photostream??
I found it the other day when I realized just happy his little creations make me...

Broom Hilda said...

Hey Punkin-Nutter!

I actually spyed these on his Flickr site! Ooops, my bad! I should have a link leading to Flickr rather than his website, although you can take a peek at his new art book on there! Anyhoo, I admire Mister Kirscht so very much! Glad to hear you do too!

And can I say how happy I am to be chatting with you on here! Me loves it! :) found a few Hindman pieces that I haven't seen before and I was just on Head Injury the other day! Thanks for sharing! He has so much to look at on there that I must of missed them!

Have a great night my cute lil' zombie!
