Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to spot a witch...

How to spot a witch...
1.) Look for diseased crops, cattle & people. This means a witch is lurking about...
2.) She has c
ats or toads as companions or familiars.
3.) She squints. (This is due to her having the "evil eye ".)
4.) She floats when you tie her up and throw her in the river.
This made me cackle...I mean, laugh! ^_^


The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Oh my...remind not to squint if I'm ever being spotted, lest I be tied up and thrown into the river...yipes! And I already know I float...I wouldn't have a prayer...ha! LOVE this art work too...super cute!

Kim Hardt Originals said...

I love it! I think I know a few just from that description! He He!!!
